Portable Recliners Recliners are really underrated for their portability, I think. Mostly just a frame with some cloth around it, I could flip a large recliner onto my shoulders and head, and carry it around a good distance in that manner.

Pre-paid Eclairs I have a love affair with these Eclairs. For Christmas I asked for a received and three month subscription to Joy Ann's Chocolate eclairs. Three times a week I walk down to the Cake Shop in the afternoon and pick up a chocolate eclair. All the employees know me as the "Eclair Man" now. My birthday is coming up and I'm going to ask for a renewal of the subscription. I love 'em.

Fruit Snacks
a case of farley's fruit snacks
On alternate days of the week I cheat on my love affair with Chocolate Eclairs with clandestine trips to Phillip's Drug, to purchase a bag or two of Farley's fruit snacks, clearly the best fruit snack available.

Candy Caramels

These are handmade here in Richmond, Indiana and are the candy that Abbott's are best known for. At about $9.00 a box, purchasing a box of caramels is rarely a choice for my afternoon snacks, but they certainly are good!

Rare books

Autographed by who? Myself, the publisher, and the Rockeeter, who illustrated Beaver Dam Rocking Chair Marathon. Hey, giving away my own books is cheap.