Who can walk to parks in Bloomington, Indiana?

Who can walk to parks in Bloomington, Indiana?

Here's a map of the buildings in Bloomington along with parks in light green and areas within a 10 minute walk in translucent green.


  1. The "Ped shed" around Cascades, the big park at the north appears too ambitious, perhaps because it's in a steep ravine. I'm going to make a follow up map addressing that.
  2. Green Acres in the northwest quadrant pops as one of several neighborhoods with no park nearby.
  3. "Latimer Woods" appears as an island in southeast and is not a typical park, but a small hiking trail with an entrance behind an an apartment complex. Without Latimer Woods, the whole quadrant is park-deficient.
    4. The lack of density around College Mall and its big parking lots stands out. Would be a great park location!