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Blue Collar Broadcast Blue Collar Broadcast irregularly features new working class poetry and prose. If you would like to submit something for publication here, email it to tilt-a-whirl-broadcast@summersault.com Old broadcasts
Finster K. Rain freeverse12oh5p.m.1920's'30s NYC on i mind smoked O P B's (other people's butts) at age 9 left skool to work during that time(.)(his)dad's speakeasy N craps(.) from factories L.I.C., De Nobali Cigars, Milkbottles'glassjars. Unloading grapes on the docks inwhich J. Majurri would recieve a nickle for each case stock.PLAZA HOTEL bellhop. Yuh uncle a Barber would go uptown when LITTLE ITALY NORTH(east Harlem) was also beni with 'LITTLE ITALY SOUTH(down town) Stories stories which no one 'would remember. Vino vino bread cheese vino vino vino vino "no more please."Uncle would sing from his wine filled belly den always den it would be time to go. Homebound- Astoria/Ravenswood eastriverhome thee otherside(queensboroughbridge)Manhattan zone. And you think Thee Movie$ showed what went down? Honor, BiznE$$ that was sound? HA!("?!yea?!") running the numbuhz racket,protection,ladies, outta thuh truck cigar$/ciguhrett$, gamblin, ladie$, and A N Y T ' I N G eh hand could pocket, well den(innocent hardworking UhmehRika) even den DOPE would make uh lot eh -written by finster k . rain copyrighted 1998 *UHNUHTHUHSLOPPYCIPYRIGHT* * -- for all the sons and daughters of Rocco and Katherine Perilli and all the offspring that has come. email the author: Finster K. Rain [an error occurred while processing the directive] |